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534 Fleet Ave
Winnipeg, MB, R3L 0S2


Our mission at The ADD Centre® (Winnipeg) is to help improve your focus, concentration, attention span, reflection and organization.  Let us help you feel and understand what it is like to be in that focused “zone” while in school, at work, or during an athletic event. Gain the tools to aid you with your daily organization of tasks. Feel motivated and make concentration work for you! Please email or give us a call on our contact page for more information. link on the links below to read about our testimonials, or look head to our articles page to learn more about ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, and how Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Brain Training are helping children and adults everywhere to learn to focus, concentrate, and succeed.

Sports Performance Services


Our 11 athletes won 19 medals at the 2017 Canada Games


ADD Centre Sport Performance Training

Our Sport Performance programme provides athletes with effective techniques to get into a positive performance state on-demand. By combining emotional management and mental skills training with objective measurement from biofeedback and neurofeedback technology, athletes can quickly learn to alter their emotional, mental and physiological state to perform at their best under challenging and stressful conditions.

Categories of Training
⦁    Emotional Management
⦁    Biofeedback
⦁    Mental Skills
⦁    Neurofeedback

Olympic athletes, professional golfers, soccer, hockey, baseball, volleyball, basketball football and tennis players are now applying these scientifically proven techniques alongside biofeedback and neurofeedback measurement tools to get into a positive performance state on demand by consciously training and controlling their body’s response to stress, anxiety, fear and pressure.



Optimal Performance State

This measurable state provides athletes with increased coordination, improved motor skills and timing, improved decision-making, sensitivity and clarity in and out of the sports landscape.

Our thoughts and emotions have a profound effect on our ability to perform at our best.  Science however tells us that we are hard wired to respond emotionally first and then think about it second when we are under pressure. Our ability to manage our emotional state under intense pressure and demanding conditions is really what separates the good to great athletes. The training teaches athletes powerful techniques to balance their autonomic nervous system and control their emotional game for peak performance on demand.

The Benefits of the four Training Components:

⦁    Increase awareness of how emotions affect your body and impact your performance
⦁    Balance the autonomic nervous system to stabilise emotions, reduce cortisol and adrenaline
⦁    Manage performance anxiety, pressure and excitability
⦁    Improve focus and concentration during stressful moments during training or competition
⦁    Improve teamwork and communication and keep perspective
⦁    Decrease “mental chatter”
⦁    Increase confidence and self-control
⦁    Regain focus quickly following a setback
⦁    Effectively recover so you optimise energy and sustain performance



Individual sessions ($95)

Many athletes focus the majority of their efforts on improving physical fitness and technical ability; however the latest research shows that our emotional state plays a massive role in influencing our performance outcome.
Do you know how to relieve stress during a pressure moment in competition? Do you have the skills to quickly and effectively refocus after a setback or mistake? Can you control your breathing so that you are ready to perform at your best, especially under stress or pressure?
The important techniques in our training combine mental skills with biofeedback and resilience training, enabling athletes to better self-regulate their tension and emotional responses, especially in challenging situations. Skill acquisition together with real-time objective biofeedback empowers athletes, builds confidence and greater focus in their preparation and performance.

Skills developed through our program:
⦁    Athletes learn how to create the right conditions to access an optimal performance state on demand
⦁    Develop a greater understanding of the impact that emotions have on your body and ultimately your performance
⦁    Learn to effectively manage pressure, anxiety and excitability
⦁    Increase and sustain energy levels
⦁    Rebound quickly and effectively after a negative event
⦁    Maximize emotional calm, concentration and mental focus during competition





Sport management and psychology professional Stephen Dubienski is backed by an extensive background in sport management, sport psychology, brand marketing and elite athletic performance. His professional career has included work for Lorning Ward Sport Management, the Vancouver Olympic Committee and Red Bull. A former professional and NCAA Division 1 tennis athlete, organized hockey player, high school volleyball and golf member, Stephen developed an understanding of sport performance and that the psychological toll, especially after injury, is comprehensive and extensive.

With a Masters in Sport Psychology at the University of Manitoba and a Bachelor of Science in Sports Management from Georgia Southern University, he is motivated by an intense passion to help provide positive tools for athletes suffering from psychological setbacks, specifically from sustaining a concussion. Stephen believes that biofeedback and neurofeedback training could prove to be a positive alternative to anti-depressives, sleeping pills, pain pills, drugs and alcohol, and assist individuals to work through depression, stress, anxiety, loss of confidence, fear and anger issues to be the happy, healthy and productive people they were before sustaining a concussion.